Resident Artist

Echoes of Liddell, Anna Rankmore & Andrew French-Northam

Music Production

Listen here. The aural inspiration and creative impetus for Echoes of Liddell was initiated by visits to the operational site of the Liddell Power Station.  Generations of personnel experienced the continual industrial and mechanical conversational...

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Resident Artist

Liddell Symphony, by Huw Jones

Multi media / Music Production

Listen here. Sound is the medium I work with and during my first visit to the Liddell site, the turbines were still operational. You can hear how this sounded in the Liddell Tuning Drone. This...

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Resident Artist

AN90, by Fiona Lee

Mixed Media

Liddell Power Station, a relic of industrialisation with decades of coal-fired energy production, embodies our historical dependence on coal. Viewing it through this lens of industrial heritage, my artworks become speculative machines of the future,...

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Resident Artist

Pressure Pipe Poetics, by Will Maguire


Made from salvaged parts from the Liddell plant, Pressure Pipe Poems are playful constructions that link the station’s physical infrastructure to human experience, exploring the mixed emotions of the Liddell’s closure through materials. Combustion Shadows...

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Resident Artist

Power Station, by Rachel Milne


Painting the interior of a decommissioned coal-fired power station was an incredible experience. Industrial colours are surprisingly vibrant and this, along with the strip lighting and sunlight pouring in from outside on the upper level,...

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Resident Artist

Thinking Caps For Lady Liddell, by Lisa Wiseman

Crochet Art

As a lifelong crocheter, I have created votive objects or fetishes for aspects of the Power Station’s deity, intended to evoke consideration of Liddell’s people, place and purpose. Humans venerate and placate deities in the...

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Resident Artist

Mother i-vi, by Rebecca Rath

charcoal on paper

The Liddell Project was a transformative journey, both for the collective of artists involved and for me personally. At the Liddell Power Station, I discovered a workplace environment that defied my preconceptions, imbued with a...

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Resident Artist

Where To Now? by Kirry Toose

Mixed Media / Textiles / Wearables

Every exhibition has the potential to evoke a reaction, inspire commentary and challenge the onlooker. I don’t want my art practice to sit on the peripheral, I believe it has the potential to tell a story....

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Resident Artist

3 Phase 2023, by Fran Wachtel

Mixed Media / Sculpture

I am a visual artist, working in several mediums, and I always hope that my work doesn’t need a literal explanation as I would like viewers to create their own narratives. After learning that AGL...

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Resident Artist

Illuminating Memory, by Kara Wood

Mixed Media / Sculpture

My artistic journey with Liddell Power Station began in a fascination for its floors – silent witnesses to the countless people who traversed them, shaping and being shaped by the legacy of this industrial giant....

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