10th Jun-12th Jun 2023

Artist At Work with Todd Fuller

VENUE Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre, Muswellbrook

TIME 9:00am-9:00am

Event Details

Award-winning artist Todd Fuller embarked on a creative and revealing journey over the June long weekend, immersing himself in the atmosphere of Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre and his hometown of Branxton. His mission? To capture the essence of the hardworking individuals from Liddell Power Station through the medium of portraiture. Volunteers sat for Todd, sharing their stories and tales of Liddell. Todd, with his skilled hand and keen ear, beautifully recorded and sketched, intertwining their narratives and likeness onto the canvas. As a native of the Upper Hunter region, with familial ties to Liddell, this project holds a profound significance for Todd; “These last few days have completely shifted my perspectives on lots of issues, given me a new understanding of my father and childhood, and has been extremely energising. I have been thoroughly invigorated by the conversations and exchanges with my interviewees and as such the drawings have been flowing pretty naturally. Feeling extremely grateful to be working on this project.” -Todd Fuller

Meet The Generators

Meet the Artists and creative team behind this exhibition.


Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre, Muswellbrook NSW, Australia, Muswellbrook, New South Wales

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