Come along to the Scone Literary Festival to see a panel of artists and writers chaired by John O’Brien, Executive Director from Arts Upper Hunter and the expanding debate around Liddell’s legacy towards the future of the site and the Hunter Valley.
Speakers on the panel are Penny Dunstan, Patrice Newell and Catherine Hickson, facilitated by Executive Director of Arts Upper Hunter and Progam Manager of the LiddellWORKS Creative Program John O’Brien. The event is part of Scone Literary Festival’s free Community Day – Book Swap, Light Lunch and the After Liddell panel. The Community Day starts at noon, with the panel happening from 2pm, all at the Scone Arts & Crafts in Kingdon St.
Speakers will explore the power station’s legacy, the creative residencies, and then a broad-ranging discussion of the Hunter’s future and the role of creative thinkers in shaping that future.