Boiler / Project Gallery

Mother i-vi, by Rebecca Rath

charcoal on paper Created By Rebecca Rath

The Liddell Project was a transformative journey, both for the collective of artists involved and for me personally. At the Liddell Power Station, I discovered a workplace environment that defied my preconceptions, imbued with a sense of unity and vitality among employees. This spirit of camaraderie infused our artistic community, fostering a cohesive and purposeful…

The Liddell Project was a transformative journey, both for the collective of artists involved and for me personally. At the Liddell Power Station, I discovered a workplace environment that defied my preconceptions, imbued with a sense of unity and vitality among employees. This spirit of camaraderie infused our artistic community, fostering a cohesive and purposeful collaboration for all artists.

Working amidst the machinery and infrastructure of Liddell, I found my artistic expression invigorated. Through engaging in multiple large-scale drawings simultaneously, I was able to capture the dynamic energy of the environment while also maintaining an intimate connection with my subject matter. Each drawing session of 3-4 hours became an immersive exploration of form, marks, tones and texture. Covered in charcoal, I delved deep into the essence of the factory equipment before me, guided by intuition and the desire to honour the significance of the site.

I sought to commemorate the legacy of Liddell and its former employees, establishing an emotional connection to the site through the work created. It is my hope that my work not only captures the spirit of Mother but also invites viewers to contemplate the beauty and history of this remarkable industrial landmark.

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