Fiona Lee

"As I reflect on the shutdown of Liddell, I am struck by the economic diversification that is taking place in the region. While the closure of the power station represents a significant change, it also presents an opportunity for the region to explore new economic opportunities and move towards a more sustainable future."

Fiona is multi-disciplinary artist and climate justice activist working across non-violent direct action, sculpture, installation, photography, and video.

After losing her home to bushfires in November 2019, Fiona Lee undertook a 12-month Bushfire Affected Artist residency at The Creator Incubator (TCI) in Newcastle. It was there that Fiona shaped unapologetic, political, and provocative works from her home’s scorched remnants that spoke to both her personal loss and the impact of climate change on us all. From this, she had a touring solo exhibition titled Carbon Tax, with works made from her home’s scorched remnants.


Using a by product of the coal fired power station in an artwork that aims to decrease its carbon footprint also ties in nicely with the ‘’looking back/looking forward’’ theme of this residency. It is genuinely taking the legacy forward and memorialising it in an artwork for the community to appreciate. The finished artworks will be imbued with an honesty, integrity and history of its place not only because of the materials embedded within it but also surface detritus (rust, dirt, paint) that remains behind after the casting process. The final work would speak of the place yet does not completely reveal it, only providing a glimpse into the past. As an artist participating in the Liddell WORKS program, Fiona is able to contribute to a broader conversation about the complex dynamics of energy production at a pivotal moment in history. Excited to explore this theme through and to create works that examine the power station history and consider the future of energy generation in a way that reflects the changing times. With particular interest in the way that the closure of the power station is speeding up the transition towards cleaner forms of energy as well as its positive impact on the urgent global issue of climate change. Through the artwork, Fiona hopes to capture the essence of this transformation and inspire others to think creatively about the future of energy systems and economic diversification, and the urgent need to address the impacts of climate change on our planet and our communities.

My Journey

Other Generators

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